Svg Editor Js

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  1. Svg File Editor
  2. Javascript Svg Editor
  3. Svg Editor Js
  4. Svg Edit

Basically I need something that works like svg-edit. However I don't need a fully WYSIWYG editor, but just the inline text editing part. I have looked at svg-edit's source code and it seems to be very hard to extract only that part of it. So what I am looking for is an easy way (maybe with a third-party library) to implement inline SVG text. Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas. It offers a clean Scene Graph / Document Object Model and a lot of powerful functionality to create and work with vector graphics and bezier curves, all neatly wrapped up in a well designed, consistent and clean programming interface.

An extension of svg.js which allows to draw elements with your mouse

  • A block-styled editor with clean JSON output. Editor.js Guides API Plugins GitHub.
  • As a developer, I need a tool to integrate javascript、html with SVG for a full functional web pages. In addition, instant preview and debugging are also be necessary for rapid development. The components and their functions are described as below: A syntax-highlighting editor to facilitate SVG/HTML/Javacript coding.
  • The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. This means that they can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed. As XML files, SVG images can be created and edited with any text editor, as well as with drawing software.

For a demo see

  • Install svg.draw.js using bower:

  • Include the script after svg.js into your page Macgo blu ray player pro 3 3 17.

  • Draw your first rectangle using this simple piece of code:

As default the drawing starts with a click on the svg-Element

You can use your own mouse-events. Just pass the event-Object to the draw-Function

The addon automatically knows when to start or stop drawing (most shapes start with the first event and stop with the second).However when dealing with e.g. a polygon you are able to set new points with every event. To finish the drawing you have to call the done-function.See the next chapter for that.

svg.draw.js populates its methods it uses to draw the shape. This is useful in edgecases but generally not needed. However the method done is needed for poly-shapes and cancel can be called on every shape to stop drawing and remove the shape.

The following options can be used to modify the behavior of the addon:

  • snapToGrid: Specifies a grid to which a point is aligned (default:1)

Note that you can specify the options only on the first call. When you want to change the options while drawing use polygon.draw('params', key, value) This is useful when you want to activate the grid-option when ctrl or soemthing is pressed.

Svg File Editor

svg.draw.js fires a few specific events which are:

  • drawstart
  • drawstop
  • drawudpdate
  • drawpoint
  • drawdone
  • drawcancel

These events are called at the end of the corresponding method.

Each event-object holds the relative position to the parent-Object of the Shape (which is mostly the SVG-doc itself) as Array

Binding a function to the Event is easy

Currently svg.draw.js only supports all the basic shapes (line, polyline, polygone, rect, image, circle, ellipse).Any other type you want to draw and is available through SVG.invent (e.g. image or your own element) can be added using a plugin which just serves the functions to draw the shape.

For example:

Method calc is always needed which updates the point of the shape. Stumbler 103 3 – find local wireless networks customer service.

You also can extend two shape-types at once:

See the implementation of all shapes as examples.

  • all shapes implemented as plugins
  • drawing takes transformations into account (you can even draw e.g. a rotated rectangle)
  • useRadius option is obsolete duo to the implementation of circle in svg.js v2

Getting Started

Svg Editor Js

Welcome! To use this library, download the getting-started.tgz tar ball and follow the instructions below. The tar ball contains a folder with an index.html file and script.js file. The HTML file links the library's style sheet, includes the script file which creates the interactive image, and has an element with an unique id that the interactive is rendered within.

The script file imports the Interactive class from the website, constructs an interactive within the HTML element with the id 'my-interactive', and then creates a control point which can be dragged around. It also prints out the control and interactive objects to the console to play around with.

To view the interactive, serve the folder containing the two files using a web server like Web Server for Chrome or your tool of choice. The result is a simple interactive with a draggable control point:


User input drives the animations of these graphics and is the main focus of this library. These input elements are part of the SVG ecosystem and provide the end users with ways to manipulate and interact with the visual in front of them.


The button element has a position, label, and default style. Defining the 'onclick' method handles when a user clicks the button.

Check Box

A checkbox has two different states: checked and unchecked. When a user clicks the box the state changes. Euphoria bonus game.

Control Point

A control point is a two dimensional point that can be clicked and dragged by the user. The control has a (x,y) position as well as its change in position (dx, dy).

Dropdown Input

The drop down allows users to select from a variety of options.

Radio Control

The radio control elements allows the user to select from a list of options. Only one option can be selected at a time.


The scrubber has a play and pause button that start and stop the animation. The position indicator can also be dragged to change the state of the scrubber.


A slider has a position, width, and starting value.


Our library has basic visual elements that are used to create the graphics. All elements contain a root SVGElement that contains the visual part of the element. Basic element root's correspond directly to the visual aspect of the element, more complicated elements often contain many SVGElements that describe the graphic.







A text span element allows for text to be styled and positioned differently within a body of text. In the example below, a word is randomly selected to be bold to emphasize a part of the sentence.


There are two forms of handling interaction within our software system. The first form is reactive programming. Play flintstones slot machine online. Elements can be related together using dependency functions, similar to how cells are related together in a spreadsheet application. These dependencies are explicit and give dependents access to the data of the elements they rely on. These dependencies also define how the interactive should update elements and in what order the update should happen when an element's state is changed.

The second, more tradditional, form of handling interaction is event driven programming. Event handler properties are surfaced in elements where it seemed useful. Otherwise, access to all of the event handlers is available throught the root SVGElement and the native web APIs.

Reactive Programming

All elements contain the ability to define dependencies to other elements. An element declares what it is dependent on using the 'addDependency' function and then defines an update function which describes how the element should update itself. Circular dependencies will cause an exception. By convention, an element should only use the data of the elements it has declared itself dependent on.

An example of how this approach can be used to generate complicated interactives is given by the Riemann Sum example below. In this example, there are a fair number more elements that have been related together using the reactive approach.

To visualize what is happening, the elements that are related together are highlighted and labeled in blue. Then the dependency graph on the right shows the user defined depencies represented as arrows. For example, the dependency between the control point the control point 'control1' (B) and the text 'label' (E), is represented as B → E in the graph.

Event Handling

Keyboard Input

Key board input can be used to change the state of an interactive as well as control different elements within the interactive. The example below highlights the numbers one through five with the corresponding key on the keyboard when pressed.

Mouse Input

Mouse input can be used to change the state of an interactive. Mouse input consists of the mouse's position, when the users clicks the interactive, etc.


While animation isn't the main focus the library, some basic animations can be achieved using some built in elements like the scrubber element, and the native web API requestAnimationFrame.

Time Line Animation

Adding a time-line to an interactive gives the user control over a basic animation. For beginner users, the scrubber is a great element to animate parts of an interactive. It allows the user to start, stop, and 'scrub' to different parts of the animation.


The coordinate system of the interactive image follows the SVG standard: the default origin is the top left corner of the image and the positive x direction is to the right and the positive y direction is down. This is visualized by the control point below.

Changing the Origin

Javascript Svg Editor

The origin of the interactive coordinate system can be moved by changing the .originX or .originY property of an Interactive object. The origin can also be specified when the object is constructed. In the code snippet below the origin is specified to be the point (300,150) relative to the top left corner of the interactive.

The interactive object created using the above code snippet results in the coordinate system demonstrated below. Note, the y-coordinate is flipped from the cartesian coordinate system.

Setting the View Box

The more general form of setting the origin of the interactive object which is derived from the SVG base class is setting the view box of the SVG element. This is extremely useful, especially when paired with the getBoundingBox method implemented by every SVGGraphics element. The two interactive shown below both contain a grid of rectangles. The interactive on the left contains a rectangle which represents the view box that is being applied to the interactive on the right.

The set view box function takes in a x position, y position, width and height. The (x,y) position represents the top-left-most position of the rectangle, the width and height specify the dimensions of the rectangle.

Svg Editor Js


The appearance of elements within this library can be styled using CSS. Styles can either be applied using a user defined style sheet or directly within the Javascript file. Helper classes are provided for the convenience of the user.

Basic Styling

Basic geometric elements have two basic properties: fill and stroke. Fill is the area contained within the shape and stroke is the edge of the geometric shape. These styles can be accessed through the style property.

Custom Styling

Every element within the library has a root property which is a SVG element. This root element contains zero or more child elements all of which can have custom styling applied to them through CSS selectors or Javascript. The style sheet for the library can be found in the library.css file. Typically, elements have an associated class that gives them their default look and feel.

Svg Edit


As of now, the library has three modules that provide the ability to create complex elements with a suitable level of abstraction. Each module utilizes the core functionality of the library in their implementation.


The graphing module is used to display basic graphs in the form of node link diagrams. Both directed and undirected graphs are supported. The module allows for the creations of individual nodes which can be connected via edges. Additionally, the graphing module supports the Reingold-Tilford 'tidy' layout for automatically drawing trees.


The Map Module is used to plot geographic data in SVG format. Our library supports GeoJson which is the most popular data standard for representing geographical data. The SVG path's get grouped by feature, meaning that manipulating the map objects is straight forward. For more information on this, please go to our Map Module Tutorial or take a look at some map examples.

Interactive World Map

Custom Maps

Any data that is in the GeoJson format can be rendered with our library. Macdoppler 2 26 – satellite and station tracking shipment. That means that if you can find the data for it, we can plot it. For more information on how GeoJson works and where to find it, go to the Map Module tutorial.


Plots visualize the output of one or more functions in the Cartesian Coordinate System. To construct a plot, the user provides the dimensions of the plot and the function to be plotted.

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